So sad to liken a flu pandemic with achieving famewhoredom. Ugh.
So yeah, lemme finish chasing these Tylenol with some orange juice... okay, mama's ready...
Now for those who know me personally, some (i.e. all of you) have been pushing me to start a blog, so here it is! Now I won't have to BOMBARD y'all with my somewhat lengthy (but highLARIOUS) emails no more. Oh no! I'll just send you to this blog right here!
I hereby present to you, my students: SCIENCE OF SMUT!
So why, Jay, have you entitled your blog "science of smut"? WELL, lemme tell you! TEACH!!! This is a chance to educate y'all about all the complex, inner workings of the pop-culture universe. It's like Pop Culture 101 for those who want to learn about the craziness that makes our social world tick. From TV, to film, to music, to fashion, to gadgets, to video games, to fads and crazes that arise out of the jungle of capitalism... all of these fall under the broad category that many of us pop culture junkies like to call "SMUT". Yep, so shameful, yet so addictive and TASTY that you can't get enough of it. Let me put it in simple terms: a single serving of Smut-Culture =0 calories, but with all the flavour and guilt of a double quarter pounder with all the fixins, deep fried in beef lard and dunked in maple syrup, dusted off with icing sugar and topped with chocolate chips, sprinkles and french vanilla ice cream. MMMMMMmmmmmm! I know y'all want a taste of that deep fried goodness, dont'cha?
So stay tuned, y'all. Better hit the books and get studying... cuz you're gonna get schooled! PREPARE TO LEARN!!!
Master Jay
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